>报告题目:Studies of Unusual Flavoenzymolgy
>报 告 人:美国科yp街机试玩院士 Hung-wen Liu 教授
>报告人单位:Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, and Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin, Austin.
>报告时间:2016-10-20 15:00-17:00
>主 持 人:张立新 研究员
>Hung-wen Liu 教授
> Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, and Department of Chemistry,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin.
>George H. Hitchings Regents Chair in Drug Design,
College of Pharmacy Professor of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry Professor of Chemistry
>台湾中央研究院 院士
>Organic Letters(Org. Lett.)杂志 副主编